- Nauczyciel: Jacek Olesiejko
- Nauczyciel: Ewa Olszewska
The aim of this course is to help 1MA students acquire a near-native accent of English and prepare them for the oral part of the PNJA exam. The course objectives will be reached by means of articulatory warm-ups, ear training exercises and pronunciation drills. During the winter semester, the course will focus on word stress, weak forms, and problematic sounds. During the summer semester, students will also practise connected speech processes and intonation.
- Nauczyciel: Mateusz Jekiel
Kurs dla studentów MA1 studiów zaocznych
- Nauczyciel: Marcin Krygier
Kurs z metodologii badań naukowych dla MA1 studiów zaocznych
- Nauczyciel: Marcin Krygier
The course is designed to drill selected consonants and vowels of American English. Regarding the structure, the course uses a mixture of exercises from Say It Right, dialogues from How Now Brown Cow and samples of students’ own casual speech. This seeks to diversify your production, ranging from drills (in-classes exercises), to casual speech (speeches following the exercises). I have prepared a variety of samples, representing speech of native speakers of American English, ranging from politicians, celebrities to a speech corpus. The students’ task is to imitate their speech as faithfully as they can.
- Nauczyciel: Małgorzata Kul
- Nauczyciel: Dagmara Drewniak
- Nauczyciel: Katarzyna Bronk-Bacon
- Nauczyciel: Przemysław Kaszubski