- Teacher: Katarzyna Jędrzejewska-Pyszczak
course is designed to give a chronological overview of Irish children’s oral
and written literature, both written in English and in Irish (for which we will
use an English language translation). This course's main objectives are:
1) To gain an understanding a sociohistorical perspective on literature about and for children in Ireland
2) Identify and analyse key themes in Irish children’s oral and written literature, both in English and in Irish
3) Discuss the works of key Irish children’s authors and situate them in their sociohistorical contexts
4) To identify how the constructs of socialisation and agency are embedded in, and play a role in shaping, Irish children’s literature
- Teacher: Cassandra Smith-Christmas
Kinematografia walijska 15-KW-FAC-11 - Konwersatorium
- Teacher: Karolina Rosiak
- Teacher: Katarzyna Jędrzejewska-Pyszczak
- Teacher: Karolina Rosiak
Historia i kultura Irlandii 15-HIKI-FAC-11
- Teacher: Michael Hornsby
- Teacher: Simon Harris
- Teacher: Karolina Rosiak
- Teacher: Marta Listewnik