This is a 6-week self-service complementary e-course in academic writing for:

  • 2BA full-time English philology students
  • those 3BA English and 1MA English philology students who did not take it in the past (e.g. because you did not study at WA before, or otherwise did not manage to complete the e-course earlier);
  • students of other programmes interested in taking it.
About enrolment:
  • 2BA full-time students - you are / will be enrolled automatically on the basis of your registration for the 2BA PNJA writing course / group on USOS (NOTE: If you are repeating 2BA and completed the e-course in the previous year, there is no need to take it again, although your current writing teacher might ask you to look into some parts);
  • Other students required to take the course (e.g. by your writing teachers): contact P. Kaszubski if your writing teacher has not provided you with access.
This e-course will open on 7th November 2022.