Lexicology and lexicography in a cultural perspective

The focus of this seminar is word meaning as a reflection of culture. We will be looking at the lexicon from the point of view of lexicology (linguistic study of words), lexical semantics (study of word meanings), and lexicography (scientific study of dictionaries). After a general introduction to these three disciplines, we are going to concentrate on areas of culture-specificity in the English lexicon and on the way culture-bound meanings are explained in dictionaries. Another recurring theme will be the problems which dictionary writers encounter when faced with difficult entries, both culture-dependent ones as well as ones that, for whatever reason, appear ‘sensitive’.

Apart from the topics indicated above, individual MA projects may involve the semantics of phrases (collocations, idioms); relations between meaning and form (e.g. synonymy, polysemy); the rise of new (e.g. figurative) meanings, etc. All MA theses will incorporate a lexicographic component, examining dictionary treatments of the phenomena studied. The use of language corpora may be needed as well to support the author’s hypotheses and arguments with authentic data.

Candidates are expected to have some basic knowledge of linguistics. Previous exposure to semantics or lexicography is not obligatory. Interest in words and dictionaries is taken for granted.