
Exploring word meanings: Lexical resources in the digital age

This is an introductory course into the lexicon of English explored from the viewpoint of lexical semantics, lexicology and lexicography. The focus of this proseminar is word meaning as conceptualized in our mind, understood in context, and represented in dictionaries and other lexical resources available online. We will be discussing different relations that exist between word senses, such as synonymy, antonymy, polysemy and homonymy, as well as metaphor and metonymy – the cognitive processes that lead to polysemy. Our interest will not only be single words but also multi-word expressions, among them collocations and idioms. The seminar will deal with different types of dictionaries, both monolingual and bilingual, general-purpose and specialized ones. Another theme will be language corpora. Students will become familiar with the notion of a corpus, and will practise using various corpora. The future of dictionaries will also be considered in view of the application of generative AI in lexicography (ChatGPT), which is already happening. The reading assignments selected for the proseminar will comprise chapters from handbooks as well as papers from academic journals, and they will be supplemented with video presentations given by prominent linguists.