USOS: 15-MBLIN-11 

Short description: The aim of the course is to familiarize the students with basic theoretical tools that will enable them to correctly describe, compare and analize linguistic forms. In particular, the focus of the course is on morphology, syntax and lexical semantics. We will also discuss those phonological elements of the language that provide valuable information that facilitates the correct lexical and grammatical analysis of words, sentences and their meanings. When learning how to (and how not) to describe and analyze linguistic data, special attention will be paid to a phenomenon that closely combines morphology, syntax, lexical semantics, and phonology, namely suppletion, i.e. a situation in which grammatically closely related word forms sound significantly different (e.g. English forms of go – went or Polish forms idę – poszłam). The seminar will focus on four empirical areas: demonstrative pronouns, adjectives, grammatical cases, and verbs. Students will learn how to correctly describe them and make cross-language comparisons in typologically diverse (e.g. in English, Yaqui, Karelian, Basque) as well as more similar languages ​​(e.g. in Polish and Czech).