Enrolment options

Welcome to AMU's 2023 obligatory training course on RODO (GDPR) which will familiarise you with the regulations concerning the protection of personal data and relevant procedures and best practices required at AMU.

This training course is intended for both AMU's executive staff as well as employees and PhD students, who process personal data as part of their regular day-to-day work.

The training course consists of 3 steps:

  1. A lecture presentation composed of about 50 slides and 5 accompanying control questions.
  2. A final quiz with 5 multiple choice questions.
  3. Submission of a declaration of confidentiality and collection of the course completion certificate (PDF).

To complete all the stages of this 2023 training course, you will need about 30 minutes.

(After logging in, click on the button "Enrol me" to enter the training course page.
NOTE: After your first login, the system may need a few minutes to configure your access. Please refresh the page or re-try the link to the training after about 10 minutes, and if this time you still cannot access the training page, email the tech support. Thank you.)

Enter the GDPR training course 2023
Enter the GDPR training course 2023