15-ITNEUR-EL-11 - wykład dla studentów 3BA ELTiT + egzamin


The course is meant to provide the basis for doing empirical research in linguistics. It will be devoted to juxtaposing the qualitative and quantitative approaches to language-related research with a focus on social context phenomena. Practical aims:
- to develop the ability to design data collection procedures for qualitative analysis
- to develop the ability to present a project and critically evaluate own and others’ views in a debate
- to develop the ability to critically evaluate the quantitative/qualitative analysis selected as adequate to the research questions posed.


Great research is not conducted in a vacuum. Scientists and the general public often speak different languages, but communicating research results is a vital step of the scientific discovery process. How else will research be translated into innovation and invention? 

During this course we will cover the basics of scientific PR. This includes learning to read scientific papers, understand their importance and communicate it to the general public. From a thank-you letter to study participants to a press release for a major news outlet, dissemination of results is quickly becoming one of the more important steps in the scientific process.

Course Objectives:  

  • To develop understanding of the relationship between reading, eye movements and cognitive processing,
  • To examine experimental paradigms used in reading research and to interpret the types of results this paradigms have uncovered. 

Student Learning Objectives:   
At the end of course, students should be able to:  

  • Briefly describe how vision is executed,
  • List major eye parts, types of eye movements and eye-tracking measures,
  • Describe a selection of paradigms used to experimentally test hypothesis testable during reading,
  • List major findings from eye-tracking research on visual and auditory language processing.

This is the Moodle area for the Practical Linguistic Fieldwork B course.

In this course we will examine the relation between language and mind by considering evidence on language and cognition. Topics to be covered include: word acquisition, storage, and retrieval; mechanisms underlying sentence comprehension and production; the ‘anatomy’ of conversation and discourse abilities; finally, the  behavioural and neurophysiological mechanisms underlying reading and writing abilities. The purpose of this course is to provide a survey of current scholarship on the relation of language and cognition in the domain of word, sentence, and discourse processing, including a review of recent developments in the literature. The necessary background is covered in introductory courses in Linguistics and Linguistic Theory: Psycholinguistics 1.

Elective 3BA ELTIT NLP (2021/SZ) (Andreas Baumann)


Aims of the course (both parts combined):

1. Extending the knowledge of the written and spoken academic register – vocabulary and phraseology  – in general terms and within the selected academic discipline.
2. Extending the skills in effective use of sources in terms of critical reading as well as citing and synthesis applied in a scientific text or presentation.
3. Furthering of academic presentation skills, academic argumentation skills and academic discussion in both writing and speaking.
4. Learning the critical requirements of the scientific text in terms of its general construction  and rhetorical structure of its component parts.
5. Development of skills needed in editing and troubleshooting of academic texts.