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The lecture focuses on social categorization in intercultural communication in English as a lingua franca.

The topics:

·        Introduction to conversation analysis and ethnomethodology

·        Interactions in English as a lingua franca and intercultural communication in conversation analytic approach

·        Membership categorization analysis

·        Construing identities in interviews

·        Construing ethnic and religious identities in intercultural communication in English


•Benwell, Bethan; Stokoe, Elisabeth. 2011. Discourse and identity. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press
•Day, Dennis. 2008. “In a bigger, messo, context”, Journal of Pragmatics 40,5: 979–
•Edwards, Derek. 2000. “Extreme case formulations: Softeners, investment, and
doing nonliteral”. Research on Language and Social Interaction 33, 4: 347–373
•Firth, Alan. 1996. “The discursiveness accomplishment of ‘normality’: On conversation analysis and ‘lingua franca’”, Journal of Pragmatics 26: 237–259.
•Gardner, Rod and Johannes Wagner (eds.). 2004. Second Language Conversations.
London and New York: Continuum.
•Hutchby, Ian; Wooffitt, Robin. 2008. Conversation analysis. Cambridge: Polity
•Kasper, Gabriele. 2006, “Conversation Analysis as an approach to SLA”, AILA
Review 19: 83–99
•Kotthoff, Helga and Helen Spencer-Oatey (eds.). 2007. Handbook of Intercultural
Communication. Berlin and New York: Mouton de Gruyter.
•Mori, Junko. 2003. “The construction of interculturality: A study of initial encounters between Japanese and Americans”, Research on Language and Social
Interaction 36, 2: 143–184
•Van Dijk, Teun. 2001. “Critical discourse analysis”, in: Deborah Schiffrin, Deborah Tannen and Heidi E. Hamilton (eds.), The Handbook of Discourse Analysis. Malden, Mass.: Blackwell, 252–371
•Psathas, George  1995  “Ethnomethods and Phenomenology " In Donald McQuarie (ed ) Readings in Contemporary Sociological Theory  From Modernity to Post-Modernity.  Finglewood Cliffs;  Prentice Hall.
•Sacks, Harvey. 1992. “Lecture 6. The MIR Membership Categorization Device”, in
Harvey Sacks. Lectures on Conversation. (Edited by Gail Jefferson). Volume I.
Oxford and Cambridge: Blackwell, 40–48
•Scollon, Ron and Suzanne Wong Scollon. 1995. Intercultural Communication: A
Discourse Approach. Oxford: Blackwell.
•Seidlhofer, Barbara. 2009. Understanding English as a Lingua Franca. Oxford: Oxford University Press
•Stokoe, Elizabeth. 2012. “Moving forward with membership categorization anal­ysis: Methods for systematic analysis”, Discourse Studies 14, 3: 277-303.
 Wodak, Ruth and Martin. Reisigl. 1999. “Discourse and racisms: European perspectives”, Annual Review of Anthropology. 28: 175–199

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