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The EFL "integrated skills" course for year 2 BA is an advanced-level course which is aimed at bringing students up to a higher level of lexical and grammatical accuracy and fluency. In the course students are to be taught a wide range of advanced vocabulary, together with the development of communication skills to help them to express opinions clearly, logically and fluently.

Learning Aims:

1. Expanding the range of vocabulary in selected topic areas at B2+ level.

2. Developing speaking skills with reference to a variety of forms of oral production.

3. Developing reading skills of English texts.


1. Presentation techniques; practicing and revising vocabulary (paraphrasing; definitions; providing Polish equivalents; matching; creating collocations; error correction; the use of vocabulary in communicative situations in the classroom; individual practice plus practice in pairs and groups).

2. Introducing the principles of preparing presentations: how to organize a presentation; preparing a presentation plan; selection of appropriate vocabulary and grammatical structures; selection of appropriate content; discussing the effective use of communication strategies.

  1. Discussing articles; communication exercises in pairs and groups; conducting panel discussions and debates; discussing the effective use of communication strategies.


After completing the course, a student:

1. Possesses a command of vocabulary adequate for active and passive participation in a variety of communicative situations at B2+ level

2. Possesses adequate skills in terms of organising and presenting oral forms of expression and is able to prepare a presentation on a specific topic, selecting and verifying the information necessary to build an argument

3. Is able to hold conversation in a structured and communicative manner using correct language structures as well as being able to select appropriate register depending on the communicative situation.

4. Understands the need for lifelong learning as well as deepening their knowledge and improving the language skills acquired.

Zapisywanie samodzielne (Student)
Zapisywanie samodzielne (Student)