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Vocabulary and grammar are two language subsystems which are crucial in foreign language (FL) instruction. Despite the fact that there is extensive research and literature on these two areas, a number of important issues remain unresolved. For example, it is not clear to what extent teachers should use their learners’ native languages when introducing new vocabulary items. Although research indicates that providing native language equivalents enhances retention, there are still many language teaching specialists who oppose the idea. In the context of grammar teaching, there is a long-standing controversy concerning the contribution of metalinguistic knowledge to language development and language use. There are those who claim that FL teaching should adhere to the principles of skill-acquisition theory, which postulates that metalinguistic knowledge can be turned through practice into procedural knowledge, and those who say that instruction should primarily engage subconscious learning mechanisms.

In the seminar, we will discuss these and other key issues in FL instruction. The students’ projects will involve collecting and analysing quantitative and qualitative data relevant to these issues from learners and teachers in the Polish educational context.

Zapisywanie samodzielne (Student)
Zapisywanie samodzielne (Student)